Google’s NotebookLM audio overview feature has become a hot topic in podcast-like AI discussions. A business version is being piloted, with the ability to further customize what the AI host says. Google’s tool product leader said BI customization steps are No. 1. Some feedback.
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Google’s NotebookLM gives people what they’ve been asking for.
Shortly after the AI tool’s audio summary feature became popular, Raiza Martin, Google’s NotebookLM product lead, shared plans to release more features. After a few weeks, the product has already launched a new set of updates based on user requests.
Google’s AI product has created a buzz in the tech world with human-like “deep dive” conversations between two AI hosts that leverage the company’s Gemini 1.5 large language model. The NotebookLM tool allows users to generate approximately 10-minute AI summaries (basically AI-generated podcast discussions) based on the materials they upload.
Martin told Business Insider that the “most common feedback” the team got was that they wanted the AI host to provide a little more direction to focus on specific topics or sections of uploaded content. spoke. Now, NotebookLM has added the ability for users to provide these instructions before generating a “Deep Dive” audio summary.
Users can now provide instructions to focus on specific topics or sections of uploaded materials. google
“These are the kinds of things that people really, really wanted,” Martin told BI. “So we wanted to unlock that right away.”
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The addition of a “Customize” button allows users to guide the AI conversation and ask the AI Overview to focus on a specific topic or adjust the expertise level to further tailor the way content is covered. Users can now also listen to audio summaries while working in NotebookLM.
For example, if you upload a web link about the 2024 presidential election,[生成]Click to create a podcast discussion that broadly covers your upload, or create a new podcast discussion.[カスタマイズ]You can select options to specifically prompt them to focus on previous elections. President Donald Trump’s campaign.
Martin said he is very focused on “enabling personalized generation,” the idea of being able to manipulate a model to fit a specific context. She said the ability to customize “Deep Dive” conversations feels like curating a follow-up podcast episode based on your questions.
NotebookLM has also released several more updates, including an upcoming paid business version with enhanced features. Users can apply for the pilot program for a chance to get early access to features. The company said in an announcement that it will share more information about the program’s availability and pricing later this year.
Additionally, since millions of people are using this product, NotebookLM has officially removed the “experimental” label on the product.