As global markets navigate the complex policies of the incoming Trump administration, investors are seeing big moves in a variety of sectors, with financials and energy stocks benefiting from expectations for deregulation, while healthcare and EV stocks is facing headwinds. In this dynamic environment, identifying high-growth tech stocks requires looking for companies that can adapt to regulatory changes and leverage technological advances to drive innovation and expansion.
increase in revenue
revenue growth
growth assessment
material group
Yggdrasil Group
eWeLL Co., Ltd.
Aceria Pharma
Sojin System Co., Ltd.
Pharma Mar
Mental Health Technologies Co., Ltd.
Elliptic Institute
urinary tract infection
Click here to see the complete list of 1309 stocks in the High Growth Technology Stock and AI Stock Screener.
Let’s find some gems from our expert screeners.
Simply Wall Street Growth Rating: ★★★★★☆
Overview: Happiest Minds Technologies Limited provides IT solutions and services in various geographies including India, US and several other countries and has a market capitalization of ₱110 billion.
Operations: Happiest Minds Technologies Limited operates in the IT solutions and services sector and serves customers across India, US, Canada and several other geographies. The company generates revenue through diversified service offerings in digital business solutions, product engineering services, and infrastructure management.
Happiest Minds Technologies has demonstrated strong financial performance with strong annual revenue growth of 21%, higher than the Indian market average of 10.6%. This growth is complemented by an impressive forecast of 24.8% annual revenue expansion over the next three years, highlighting the company’s potential in a competitive technology environment. In particular, the company’s recent launch of Happiest Minds’ Secureline360, an AI-driven security solution, highlights the company’s commitment to innovation and sector leadership in cybersecurity solutions. This strategic focus not only strengthens our service offering, but also positions us well for sustained growth amid evolving digital threats.
NSEI:HAPPSTMNDS revenue and revenue growth (as of November 2024)
Simply Wall Street Growth Rating: ★★★★★☆
Overview: Shanghai Film Co., Ltd. operates a film distribution and exhibition business in China, with a market capitalization of C$12.37 billion.
story continues
What it does: The company focuses on film distribution and exhibition within China. Its operations are primarily focused on generating revenue from these activities.
Shanghai Film has recently shown a decline in sales and net profit, with sales decreasing from 629.42 million yuan to 559.75 million yuan year-on-year, and net profit from 124.52 million yuan to 107.41 million yuan. It decreased to 10,000 yuan. Despite these challenges, the company is poised for strong growth, with annual revenue expected to increase by 53.8%. This potential is supported by an aggressive research and development strategy that aligns well with industry demand for innovative media solutions, enabling Shanghai Film to remain competitive in a rapidly evolving entertainment environment.
SHSE:601595 Revenue and Revenue Growth as of November 2024
Simply Wall Street Growth Rating: ★★★★☆
Overview: Wondershare Technology Group Co., Ltd. develops application software products in China and abroad and has a market capitalization of C$11.45 billion.
Business Description: Wondershare Technology Group Co., Ltd. specializes in developing application software products for domestic and international markets. The company generates revenue through a variety of software solutions that meet the diverse needs of consumers and professionals.
Wondershare Technology Group has demonstrated a strong commitment to innovation, especially in its AI-driven product offerings such as SelfyzAI 3.0 and DemoCreator V8.0, which have significantly improved the user experience and expanded its market reach. Despite a difficult financial period, with a net loss of 5.5 million yuan reported for the nine months to September 2024, the company’s aggressive R&D strategy has seen R&D surge to 16.2% of sales. This is evidenced by the expense ratio, highlighting the potential for recovery and growth. This focus on research and development has fueled Wondershare’s revenue projections to grow at an impressive rate of 74.5% annually in a highly competitive environment where continued innovation is key to staying relevant and expanding its consumer base. This is essential to positioning the company appropriately in the technology environment.
SZSE:300624 Breakdown of revenue and expenses as of November 2024
Click this link to access the full range of 1309 high-growth technology and AI stocks.
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This article by Simply Wall St is general in nature. We provide commentary using only unbiased methodologies, based on historical data and analyst forecasts, and articles are not intended to be financial advice. This is not a recommendation to buy or sell any stock, and does not take into account your objectives or financial situation. We aim to provide long-term, focused analysis based on fundamental data. Note that our analysis may not factor in the latest announcements or qualitative material from price-sensitive companies. Simply Wall St has no position in any stocks mentioned.
Companies discussed in this article include NSEI:HAPPSTMNDS SHSE:601595 and SZSE:300624.
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