Organized by the GrowSPACE Foundation, Rainbow Fridays has been held in Polish schools since 2016 with the aim of promoting diversity and creating safe spaces for LGBTQ+ individuals.
Previously, the event had faced considerable opposition from the conservative Law and Justice (PiS) government, which is known for its homophobic stance.
This year, for the first time, it is supported by the Masovian Oblast Board of Education, and related activities include workshops on mental health, anti-discrimination and equality education.
Our school materials offer lesson plans and e-learning courses on LGBTQ+ allyship. We focus specifically on eastern Poland, where such initiatives are less common.
Organizers work with local communities to promote inclusivity in small towns such as Mielec and Tarnobrzeg. Additional support has also been received from the Sexed Foundation. The foundation’s ambassador, world-famous model Anna Rubik, promotes sex education for young people.
Rainbow Friday is also sponsored by the embassies of Denmark, Norway and Belgium and aims to show young people that school is a welcoming environment in which to explore their identity.