EVANSVILLE, Ind. (WFIE) – Inside the walls of Bosse High School, Principal Aaron Huff steps out of his office in the morning to greet his students.
But for a year, the Bulldogs were without their beloved principal, who had business to attend to.
“When you show up, your name is on the White House place card. It’s literally like eating hors d’oeuvres at the White House,” Hough recalled. “It’s crazy to think that Aaron Huff from Evansville, Indiana, was attending a state dinner at the White House.”
As president of the National Association of Secondary School Principals, Huff spent a year traveling the country, serving on committees and speaking with legislators about the state of education overall.
In addition to sharing his own thoughts and opinions, he brings the voice of Bosse Bulldogs and Indiana education to a seat at the table.
[Bosse principal to spend a year in D.C. advocating for educators]
What is the main focus? Bridging the gap between policy and practice.
“We’re meeting directly with MPs, parliamentarians, women, trying to really influence policy and practice, and really trying to influence the intersection of policy and practice,” he says. “Policies may look good on paper, but they are not necessarily good in practice.”
Hough, who has helped build schools from the White House to Guatemala, says the experience was unique.
That being said, he says there’s nothing like coming home.
“Some kids were like, ‘You left us!'” And I think, “At the end of the day, I didn’t leave you.” I went there to improve and improve myself,” Huff says. “I just talked to them about what it means to actually go and improve yourself and come back and bring something back.”
Huff said much of what he learned during his absence this past school year has already been put into practice, but the future is bright not only for the Bulldogs but for education in the United States.
“To whom much is given, much is expected, and so my expectations for me are to bring back what I have learned and make not only Bosse High School but EVSC better,” Huff says. “How can I improve EVSC, and how can I also improve the community around me? How can I share my wealth of knowledge with those I come into contact with? ?”
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