Dear Editor: I am a retired dentist who came to the United States when I was three years old. My parents fled China to South Korea, leaving behind their property and assets, but were caught up in the Korean conflict. They then found safety for themselves and their seven children in the United States. They worked menial jobs to support us and never received benefits. We are all so grateful to have become successful and productive citizens.
It breaks my heart to hear the vicious slurs President Trump has used against immigrants. I can’t believe Americans haven’t stood up and condemned his hatred and bigotry.
This country was built by immigrants. Unless you’re Native American, you came here from somewhere else. Food service, construction, and agriculture depend on the free flow of immigrants into this country to do the jobs Americans are denied. Cutting off that flow will only drive up prices and hurt those industries.
Vote for your character and economic interests in permitting and supporting immigration. Vote for Kamala Harris in November.
priscilla sea
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