Looking for an engaging and educational science activity to do with your students? This DIY lava lamp experiment is perfect for the classroom. This is a hands-on way to explore the principles of density, chemical reactions, and liquid-gas interactions. Plus, your students will love seeing their colorful creations come to life. Here’s how to guide you through this fun experiment.
Plus, click the button below to get a free lava lamp experiment worksheet for your students.
What can we learn by conducting a lava lamp experiment?
This experiment is a great way to introduce or reinforce important science concepts. Discuss with students how differences in the density of liquids cause layer effects. Describe the chemical reaction that occurs when Alka-Seltzer tablets come into contact with water, producing carbon dioxide gas, which creates a bubbling effect. This is a great example of a real-world chemical reaction that is easy to observe and understand.
Do you have any DIY lava lamp videos?
Watch this video for step-by-step instructions in a follow-along format.
Materials required:
We Are Teachers Clear jars or bottles (one per student or group) Spoons Water Vegetable oil Food coloring (various colors) Glitter (optional, but adds a fun visual element) Alka-Seltzer tablets
DIY lava lamp steps:
1. Experimental setup
First, distribute the materials to each student or group. Have them fill the bottle about halfway with water. This will serve as the base for the lava lamp.
2. Color introduction
Now it’s time to add color. Ask students to choose a few drops of food coloring to add to the jar. Mix well.
3. Add oil
Next, have students pour vegetable oil into the jar until it is almost full. This is a great opportunity to discuss density with your class. Have them observe how the oil floats on top of the water. This explains why oil is less dense (lighter) than water, so it naturally stays on top.
4. Add shine (optional)
If you want to add an extra element of fun, try sprinkling glitter on your students. Glitter floats in the oil, adding visual sparkle and enhancing the effect of your lava lamp. This can also be a good opportunity to talk about how solids are suspended in liquids.
5. Chemical reactions
Finally, give each student or group an Alka-Seltzer tablet and ask them to split it in half. Place the tablet pieces in the jar and you’ll see the magic happen. Alka-Seltzer reacts with water to produce carbon dioxide gas. These bubbles carry colored water and shine upward through the oil, creating the classic lava lamp effect. When the bubbles reach the top and pop, the water sinks to the bottom and the process begins again.
This DIY lava lamp experiment is not only a fun and visually appealing activity, but also a great lesson about states of matter. Students will see how density and chemical reactions occur in real time.
Whether you’re teaching basic science concepts to younger students or more complex principles to older students, this experiment is a versatile tool that can be adapted to different learning levels.
Get your free printable lava lamp experiment worksheet!
If you would like to recreate the lava lamp experiment in your classroom, click the button below to display a worksheet that walks students through each step and provides experiment questions to get them thinking.