This entire debate is taking place in the context of global birthrates falling by 40%, while average life expectancy is increasing by four months a year. By 2036, there will be more people over the age of 60 than under the age of 10, creating a significant shift in the population balance.
Jorge Macri opened the event, and the panel included Jorge Dotto (doctor, geneticist), Gaston Depraz (screenwriter, director), Conrado Estre (doctor, BREYNA founder and director), and Andrea Falcone (EAF). Abogados CEO, SEF co-chairman), Sergio Goicochea (soccer player, sports journalist), Lara López Calbo (economist, journalist), Charlie López (author, historian), Silvia Fernández Barrio (journalist), Mercedes Miguel (GCBA Minister of Education), Guillermo Oliveto (CEO and founder of Alma Trends), Roberto Moldavsky (Argentine actor and comedian), Liliana Parodi (communication and media expert; SEF co-chair), Monica – Gutierrez (journalist), Claudio Ginn (PhD, science journalist), Milo Roquette (artist), Claudio Zuchowiecki (bachelor of public administration and journalist), etc.
Guillermo Olivetto will present a report highlighting how the silver generation, which already accounts for 40% of global consumption, will be key to the global economy and is predicted to reach 50% of consumption by 2050. is. The silver economy covers everything from health and welfare. Adapt technology to encourage older adults to stay active and productive.
In Argentina, this generation makes up 35.5% of the population and is a force for change in the local market. Silver Economy Forum Latam is a regional non-profit platform committed to public-private collaboration to advance silver economy opportunities. Chaired by Andrea Falcone and Liliana Parodi, it organizes regular meetings such as an annual summit, as well as smaller meetings to promote specific thematic areas and educational activities.
An omnichannel communications platform provides transparency into SEF’s activities and helps share the latest ideas and knowledge with the public.
The conference not only promises to be a platform for the exchange of ideas, but also aims to create a real impact on how society and businesses deal with this demographic revolution, exploring these trends and It will be a place to promote public policies related to this. This change.
SEF 2024 challenges us to reimagine the future from an innovative and collaborative perspective, focusing on intergenerational coexistence, artificial intelligence, and new happiness paradigms.