More homes could hit the market this fall, potentially finally relieving the severe housing shortage. Here’s how to connect with consumers who are feeling left out in the overheated housing market and are holding back on homebuying.
1. How to understand home shoppers and help them
It’s important to understand the needs and preferences of different buyer groups so you can quickly identify solutions and resources to overcome homebuying challenges.
A common concern among millennials is having enough money for a down payment, especially if they don’t have equity in a previous home. One way to demonstrate your worth is to be prepared with information about the pre-approval process, low-down loan options, or down-payment assistance programs.
The biggest hurdle for Gen Xers is finding a home that meets their family’s needs and is within their budget. Be prepared with ideas for expanding your home search and introducing general contractors to discuss things like remodeling options.
Baby boomers are often thinking about their retirement lives, so while it may not be an issue financially, they do need quality architecture, plenty of site space to ensure privacy, and safety. Finding a small-scale home that meets your wishes, including the neighborhood environment, can be difficult.
2. Techniques for timely response
When a lead comes to you online, reach out to them right away with talking points and resources at hand. Remember to practice and role play. If you always recall the talk track, the talk track will be memorized quickly.
When you call a prospect, instead of asking to speak, greet them directly by name, give them the property address and the prospect’s source, and listen for about five minutes. The goal of the first conversation is to convert the call into an in-person appointment.
If the lead doesn’t respond, try another phone call or voicemail until the end of the day before sending an email. The only way to stay on top of things and build trust is to develop a follow-up strategy and stick to it.
The® Professional Dashboard provides tools to help you connect with potential customers. Average information such as market insight reports and suggested follow-ups and task reminders.
3. Reach out to unresponsive leads
To nudge unresponsive prospects, use phrases like, “Homes are selling fast and we don’t want you to miss out.” Voicemails and emails should be short and to the point, and always include a question or call to action so prospects have a reason to respond.
Don’t be bored. Getting creative with the subject lines of your messages and emails and using emojis can increase open rates.
4. Level up your online presence
Remember, a consumer’s home search often includes researching agents. Search for your name to see where it can be found online, and take control of where and how you are represented to ensure it’s an up-to-date and positive reflection of your real estate business.
Make sure your profile is updated and consistent across your free profile, your personal website, your brokerage or MLS affiliate site, and your social media sites. Get into the habit of advertising your business on Google and Yelp and collecting ratings and reviews on your profile and other sites.
5. Go mobile
Today, the majority of consumers use mobile devices while searching for a home. Make sure your site is mobile-optimized and visit social media sites like Facebook and Instagram if you don’t already have them.
For more tips to grow your business, visit the Resource Center for upcoming results, educational webinars, resources, and more. Now is the perfect time to sign up for Connections Plus and connect with new leads during the Cyber Sale.
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