Written by Lambert Strether of Corrente.
Today’s bird song
Northern Mockingbird, Granville Schools Land Lab, Licking, Ohio, USA
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Dear patient readers, this is an open thread as we have found that the problem is taking an unexpectedly long time. I’ll be back tomorrow in full force. Let’s be kind to each other! –Lambert
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Plant Contact Information: Readers, please feel free to contact lambert. [UNDERSCORE] stretcher [DOT] the current [AT] Yahoo [DOT] com to (a) learn how to send a check if you’re allergic to PayPal and (b) learn how to send an image of a plant. Vegetables are okay! Fungi, lichens and corals are considered honorary plants. If you want your handle to be credited, just put it in parentheses at the beginning of your email: (like this). Otherwise, we will use your initials to anonymize you. Click here for the previous water cooler (with plant). From CC:
CC writes: “It was hot and humid until late here in the Green Mountain State, but here’s a photo from last winter looking back at the pine trees.”
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Readers: Water Cooler is an independent business and is not part of the annual NC fundraiser. The material here is Lambert’s and does not represent the views of the Naked Capitalism site. If you find a link you particularly like or an item you can’t find anywhere else, don’t be afraid to express your gratitude in a tangible way. Remember, the tip jar is for tipping. Receiving regular positive feedback will make you feel good and let you know that your coverage is moving in the right direction. I get worried if I don’t receive any donations for 3 or 4 days. More specifically, small, ongoing donations help cover our expenses, so I take small donations into account when setting fundraising goals.
The screen that appears is as follows. I have added annotations for your reference.
If you don’t like PayPal, please email lambert. [UNDERSCORE] stretcher [DOT] the current [AT] Yahoo [DOT] Please contact us at com. We will show you how to send a check. thank you!